Jennifer L. Brinkley

Jennifer Brinkley
Assistant Professor of Legal Studies
University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Building 70, Office 112
Pensacola, FL 32514
Collaborating with Local Prisons: Literacy Efforts for Incarcerated Individuals, forthcoming Spring 2025 Florida A&M University Law Review.
Discrimination and Barriers: Abortion Access for Disabled Individuals After Dobbs, 77 Okla. L. Rev. 1 (2024).
This article was cited in two international studies (Australia and India).
Crises Collide: Examining the Intersection of Sex Trafficking and Opioid Use, 109 Ky. L.J. 645 (2021).
A Path Forward: Florida’s Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking, 71 S.C. L. Rev. 639 (2020).
The Failure of Amanda’s Law in Kentucky: Creating Best Practices for Legislatures Passing Domestic Violence Statutes, 38 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 41 (2019).
Opioid Crisis and the Law: An Examination of Efforts Made in Kentucky, 70 S.C. L. Rev. 741 (2019).
This article was cited in IN RE: MM, HM, AND WM. No. 19-0926. Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia.
This article was cited in The Jurisprudential Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Ryan Vacca & Ann Bartow eds., 2023).
Using Crime Ballads to Teach Legal Storytelling, The Legal Educator, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2023).
Facilitating Prison Reading Groups: Creating Opportunities for Legal Studies Students, The Legal Educator, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2021).
Teaching Legal History Through Women and the Law Curriculum, The Legal Educator, Vol. 34, No. 1 (2019).
Who Should Present Child Welfare Cases in Kentucky?, 86 Bench & B. 14 (2022) (co-authored with Judge Jason Shea Fleming).
Pets as More Than Personal Property, The Summation, Vol. 10, Issue 2 (2021) (co-authored with UWF student).
Pets, Divorce, and COVID-19: Time to Amend Florida Statutes?, FAWL J. (Fla. Ass’n for Women Law. J.) (2021) (co-authored with UWF student).
Should We Do Away with Office Hours?, (2020) (opinion).
Starting a Prison Reading Group, (2020) (commentary).
Abortion Access in Kentucky: 2019 Legislative Update, 83 Bench & B. 22 (2019).
Top 5 Mistakes that Young Lawyers Make, 15 The Young Lawyer (2010).
Does That Framed License Mean Anything? Creating Possibilities in the Young Lawyer’s Career, 11 The Young Lawyer (2007).
Our Rightful Place: A History of Women at the University of Kentucky, 1880-1945, 85 Bench & B. 18 (2021) (book review).
Richard H. Underwood’s Gaslight Lawyers: Criminal Trials & Exploits in Gilded Age New York, 83 Bench & B. 6 (2019) (book review).
(2023). Birds in the City (chapbook). Finishing Line Press.
(2019). Wanting to Live in the Before (essay). Conquer: The Patient Voice Magazine. Vol. 4, No. 5.
(2018). Tendrils (short story). Bonfire(s) Literary Journal. Vol. 1.
(2018). To Have and to Hold (poetry). Nebo Literary Journal.
(2018). On a June Night in 2000 (poetry). Pink Panther Magazine.
(2016). Counting Breaths (poetry). The Survivor’s Review. Vol. No. XVI.
(2016). Unraveling (poetry). Route 7 Review.
(2014). A Mother’s Love (poetry), Keeper of Things (poetry). In The Notebook: a progressive journal about women & girls with rural & small town roots. (No. 3).
(2014). Earth and Breath (poetry), Days of Rain (short story), Life Lessons (poetry). In Still Here: VLP Magazine.
(2013). Dripping (poetry). In Handful of Dust Magazine. (Issue 10).
(2013). Homecoming (poetry). In The Blue Pen Literary Magazine. (Issue 1).
(2012). Clinging Tightly: The Life of a Second Wife, Stepmom, Adoptive Mom and Lawyer. Lawson Lane Press.
(2012). The Warren County Attorney’s Office. In Bowling Green Parent. (2).
(2010-2012). Clinging Tightly. Weekly Column in Bowling Green Daily News.
(2011). Review of Waiting for a Warm Body to Fill It by Kelly Moffett. In The Poetry Market Ezine. 10(7).
(2011). Threads (poetry). In issue.Zero Literary Magazine. (No. -1).
March 21, 2024. Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government. Served as featured speaker at the Women's History Month luncheon at Santa Rosa Correctional Institution in Milton, Florida.
October 13, 2023. Discrimination and Barriers: Abortion Access for Disabled Individuals After Dobbs. Served as invited panelist at the University of Oklahoma College of Law Symposium, Rewriting the Script: Challenging Ableism and Advancing Justice in Sexuality, Reproduction, and Parenting for Disabled People.
April 27, 2023. Dorothy Kenyon and Pauli Murray: Their Quest for Sex Equality in Jury Service. Presented article to faculty and students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Received honorarium for speaking.
February 5, 2021. Selling Vulnerability: Sex Trafficking, Opioids, and Eradicating the Demand Symposium. Invited panelist at the University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law.
February 21, 2020. Human Trafficking Symposium. Invited panelist at symposium sponsored by the University of South Carolina School of Law.
October 29, 2019. Gender and Justice: Theory and Practice Across Contexts. Invited to present paper at conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, titled: The Failure of Amanda’s Law in Kentucky: Creating Best Practices for Legislatures Passing Domestic Violence Statutes. Sponsored by Atlantic Initiative.
October 9-11, 2024. 2024 Palm Beach County Reentry Summit. Scheduled to present paper titled: Collaborating with Local Prisons: Literacy Efforts for Incarcerated Individuals. Also scheduled to give a presentation with Dr. Nicole Niebuhr titled: Inside-Out: Our Experience & Lessons Learned.
June 7, 2024. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Presented draft of paper titled: Collaborating with Local Prisons: Literacy Efforts for Incarcerated Individuals in Denver, Colorado.
October 6, 2022. 2022 Palm Beach County Reentry Summit. Presented session titled: Collaborating with Local Prisons: Bringing Education to Incarcerated Individuals.
October 6, 2021. AAfPE National Conference. Provided session titled: Teaching Legal History through Women and the Law Curriculum.
November 4, 2020. AAfPE National Conference. Panelist on the Research and Scholarship Panel discussing Sanctuary Cities and Counties for the Unborn: The Use of Resolutions and Ordinances to Restrict Abortion Access.
February 2018. Teaching Tips: Improving Your Classroom Presentation for Students. Presented 50-minute session for faculty at Lilly National Conference on Teaching for Active and Engaged Learning, Anaheim, California.
July 2016. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Her Impact on Women’s Rights: Could She Be Confirmed Today? Presented article at Society for Values in Higher Education National Conference, Oberlin, Ohio.
October 18, 2022. Florida 2022 Human Trafficking Summit. Presented presentation on intersection between Opioid Use Disorder and Sex Trafficking.
February 24, 2022. Kentucky Gender and Women’s Studies Conference. Provided session, with Dr. Nicole Niebuhr, titled: Period Poverty and Life Strains: Efforts Made to Erase the Stigma Surrounding Menstruation and to Expand Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products.
May 8, 2024. UWF Corrections Leadership Summit. Panelist discussing programming and behavior management in prisons.
March 19, 2024. Running Scared: Examining Dorothy Kenyon’s Response to Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Communist Allegations. Presented chapter to faculty, staff, and students in collaboration with UWF Libraries for Women’s History Month.
February 2, 2024. Running Scared: Examining Dorothy Kenyon’s Response to Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Communist Allegations. Presented chapter to UWF Leisure Learning Program.
September 28, 2023. Dorothy Kenyon and Pauli Murray: Their Quest for Sex Equality in Jury Service. Presented article to UWF Leisure Learning Program.
March 28, 2023. Dorothy Kenyon and Pauli Murray: Their Quest for Sex Equality in Jury Service. Presented article to faculty, staff, and students in collaboration with UWF Libraries for Women’s History Month.
February 24, 2023. Dorothy Kenyon and Pauli Murray: Their Quest for Sex Equality in Jury Service. Presented article to UWF Leisure Learning Program.
October 10, 2022. RBG: Celebrating her Life and Legacy. Presented presentation on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s history to UWF Leisure Learning Program.
September 23, 2022. Northwest Florida Paralegal Association Annual Seminar. Presented article titled: Dorothy Kenyon and Pauli Murray: Their Quest for Sex Equality in Jury Service.
April 14, 2022. UWF Scholar’s Symposium. Provided presentation titled: Period Poverty and Life Strains: Efforts Made to Erase the Stigma Surrounding Menstruation and to Expand Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products.
March 4, 2022. Provided presentation to UWF SGA Senate about Period Poverty and Life Strains: Efforts Made to Erase the Stigma Surrounding Menstruation and to Expand Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products.
April 15, 2021. UWF Scholar’s Symposium. Provided presentation titled: Sanctuary Cities and Counties for the Unborn: The Use of Resolutions and Ordinances to Restrict Abortion Access.
March 8, 2021. RBG: Celebrating Her Life and Legacy. Provided presentation on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s history to UWF Leisure Learning program.
November 17, 2020. Northwest Florida Paralegal Association. Presented article titled: Sanctuary Cities and Counties for the Unborn: The Use of Resolutions and Ordinances to Restrict Abortion Access.
October 8, 2020. RBG: Celebrating Her Life and Legacy. Provided presentation on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s history to UWF community.
November 19, 2019. Northwest Florida Paralegal Association. Presented article titled: The Failure of Amanda’s Law in Kentucky: Creating Best Practices for Legislatures Passing Domestic Violence Statutes. January 2019, September 2018, January 2018, December 2016, March 2016. Family Law Basics. Presented session for participants in the Reach Higher Program.
July 2018. WKU Walk to Remember Srebrenica Genocide Symposium. Panelist at Kentucky Museum about next steps in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
November 2017. The Intersection of Bosnian Culture and American Legal Practice. Obtained grant funding to bring three Bosnian American female attorneys to WKU to discuss the title of the panel.
April 2017. The Shift in the Equal Protection Clause and Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Impact on Gender Equality. WKU Seventh Annual Gender & Communications Conference.
September 2016. Criminal Law and Family Law Basics. Presented information to Congolese and Bhutanese refuges at the International Center.
March 2016. The Notorious RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Her Impact on Women’s Rights. WKU Sixth Annual Gender & Communications Conference.